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Dear readers,
I am writing to you on this sunny day, after watching the series “Queen Charlotte”. I have to admit that watching the series moved me beyond all my expectations and perhaps even brought tears to my eyes. The main themes are incredibly universal themes such as: love, desire, friendship, social responsibility, gender identity, social status and sickness in all its shades and forms. I choose to use this opportunity to talk about the power of love, so set aside your cup of tea, this time it’s going to be short and sweet.
There is not a more extraordinary nor a more noble quality than our ability as human beings to love one another. Love has the amazing power to overcome adversity, feel empathy, overcome any obstacle, bridge our differences and even to prolong life. In my personal life I have seen and felt how love binds people in deep friendship, how it teaches empathy and the ability to identify with a person who is different from ourselves through patience. The series allowed a glimpse into Queen Charlotte’s complex relationship with His Majesty George the third.
It was love that gave the couple the ability to overcome the shame surrounding George’s illness, allowed the Queen to enter the King’s inner world, forgive and move on. We all have the potential for love in life through friendships, family, and romance. Today I implore you, my devoted readers, to cherish the love in your life! Cultivate it, devote yourself to it, let it fill your body and your soul. I truly believe that if we give love the place it deserves in our society, we can overcome any obstacle.
Best regards,
Lady Sapstyle.
And now, dear readers, I would like you to click here and follow me on socials, you are welcome to contact me there and chat with me.
If you want to read more, you can go over to blog post “27 questions” (from my last birthday) where I answer your questions click here for the full post.
I am always happy to read your every comment and thought so fell free to right me.