My 2020 Goals
Like every year, I make myself a list of goals for the New Year. Now, as I write at the end of October 2019, I feel a little dejected. I was injured in a home accident that caused an open leg fracture and when the new school year finally started I had to stay at home. Luckily recovery should only take about a month. It gives me a chance to sit down and write list of the things I want to accomplish this year, and, in doing so, to improve my mood. As always, this list will be edited over and over again throughout the year. Accomplished goals will be marked and more will be added, including some which may not have a tangible end point but encompass on-going habitual changes. Each year certain tasks are realized and new habits are acquired, such as sleeping on my back or going to the gym. These goals fill me with a sense of pride and achievement. Others, however, move to the next year’s list, year after year, and wait for their turn to come true. So, if you’d like to know my goals for 2020, keep reading. I would love to receive suggestions below for goals, tasks, nice ideas and interesting things to try. I have divided the goals into two groups. The first is a group of habits, things I want to maintain as part of my lifestyle and there is no way to mark them as done. The second group can be categorized as tasks or missions; goals that can clearly be marked as having been ‘achieved’.
Now, without any further ado, my goals for 2020:

☐ 1- Go on a proper date at least twice a month- Meaning something planned out of the house or a well thought-out activity at.
☐ 2- Sleep without my phone in my room at night- As a habit, I choose not to charge. my phone in the bedroom, not to watch videos in bed or use it as an alarm clock.
☑ 3- Drive to places by myself and alone.
☑ 4- Make time for sewing.
☐ 5-Keep your room tidy- make my bed in the morning, make sure there are no scattered clothes or an unusable desk.
☐ 6- Make a joint exhibition with friends- Choose a theme, venue, artists and create a joint exhibition together.
☑ 7- Shoot in collaborations with interesting
☑ 8- Learn to cook and eat healthier / higher
quality food.
☑ 9- Watch at least two movies I haven’t seen
before each month.
☑ 10- Make time for drawing and sketching.
☐ 11- Learn to love and live in peace with my body- learn to forgive my body in moments of weakness, love it even when injured or sick, accept what my body can give me, take care and treat it with the respect it deserves.
☐ 12- Prepare my clothes every night for tomorrow.
☑ 13- Spend less time on anxiety and more time on doing- pay attention to moments of anxiety And choose not to let them paralyze me, to continue despite it’s existence.
☑ 14- Do the things I want to do with courage, to not let fear stop me- to take chances without careing what people would think or say, to not be afraid of failure or disappointment.
☐ 15- Write three articles every month- update the site regularly.
☐ 16- Upload photos to Instagram twice a week- document different experiences to create an online album of moments throughout the year.
☐ 17- Go to the gym two to three times a week.
☐ 18- Make time for Friendships- Meet new
friends and invest in those i have.
☑ 19- have family dinners.
☑ 20- Take acting classes.
☑ 21- Learn Italian.
☑ 22- Listen and get to know more music-
bands, artists and albums.
☐ 23- Enjoy every aspect and facet of student life.
☐ 24- Drink two liters of water a day.
☐ 25- Wander around more in areas I don’t know and discover places- navigate without Phone.
☑ 26- Celebrate small and exciting events of
mine and friends.
☐ 27- Take a camera with me everywhere and take lots of pictures of different experiences throughout the year- frame some of the
photos and make an albums.
☐ 28- dress well everyday as a habit- have fun with styleing myself even if i’m just going to the supermarket.
☐ 29- Be socially active- Find one volunteer activity to regularly partake in.
☐ 30- Maintain relationships with people who are good for me and make me happy, and break off relationships with people who don’t.
☐ 1- Go to the planetarium.
☐ 2- Get a professional massage.
☑ 3- Go for a walk in the rain.
☑ 4- Acquire one new artistic skill.
☐ 5- Upload 12 videos of various topics to YouTube.
☑ 6- Go to the beach on a rainy day.
☑ 7- Go to the beach on a summer day.
☐ 8- Read five books unrelated to my studies.
☐ 9- Have a sleepover party.
☑ 10- Get a bachelor’s degree.
☐ 11- Go to a karaoke bar.
☑ 12 – Watch the new adaptation of “Little Women” at the cinema.
☐ 13- Participate in the Rocky Horror Picture Show at the Cinematheque.
☐ 14- Organize an outdoors game night with friends, compete with missions and riddles.
☐ 15- Climb the big climbing wall.
☑ 16- Reorganize my wardrobe.
☐ 17- Publish an article about the design in the movie “Breakfast at Tiffany’s” in a film design magazine.
☐ 18- Go to a stand-up show.
☐ 19- Go to a live music show.
☑ 20- Travel to New York and see snow fall for the first time with Tom, my boyfriend.
☐ 21- Celebrate my 24th birthday with friends.
☐ 22- Go to a dance class.
☑ 23- Celebrate my 24th birthday with family.
☑ 24- design in a theater production at university.
☑ 25- Go to the movies alone.
☐ 26- Have a ‘Mexican Food Night’ with friends.
☑ 27- Go to a museum alone.
☑ 28- See at least five plays during the year.
☑ 29- Buy a domain for my website.
☐ 30- Go to the Nature Museum in Tel Aviv.
☑ 31- Celebrate my 24th birthday with my lovely boyfriend Tom.
☑ 32- Drive alone for the first time.
☑ 33- Register as self-employed.
☑ 34- Ride a Motorized scooter.
Now I want to hear from you, what are your goals for the new year? Do you also write a list every year? And if so I would love to hear which goals you’ve been carrying from year to year.
You’re more than welcome to contact me on Instagram or Facebook.
I’d absolutely love to hear from you about anything!